Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Something is fucked up at Sprint/Nextel

I attempted to text message the Ed Show tonight on MSNBC. I do this regularly, for a couple of reasons:
#1: I love text messaging. Nothing makes me happier than a text message in the middle of a boring meeting at work, or a funny picture from my sisters, or a dirty joke from a friend. It breaks up the day.

#2: To support liberal media. Ed Schultz shares many of my personal values. I want to help show how many of us rely on MSNBC for a liberal approach to the beltway crapfest of the day.

Tonight, like many others, I texted 662639 to answer the daily question, "will tax cuts for the rich help or hurt the poor?" A for yes, B for no.

I texted B. Instead of the usual thanks for voting and stay tuned sort of return text, I received this:
"This service is not available to Sprint Nextel subscribers; please call Sprint Nextel support (1-888-211-4727) for more information."

I called Sprint Nextel customer service. The nice kid on the other end told me that it was not Sprint Nextel but the company that handles MSNBC's text messages, Single Point, that was the issue.

I called Single Point. A very patient customer service rep explained to me that, to simplify, Sprint Nextel is charging MSNBC to receive my text and send me a response. So to be clear: I pay to send and receive a text. Sprint Nextel is double charging, causing MSNBC to decline Sprint Nextel text messages. Hmmm. ESPN and MTV are also joining in on the fun.

This is not okay. I pay plenty for my phone plan, even becoming a "premier customer" whatever that is. But I can't text my liberal news text polling. Goodbye Sprint Nextel. And kiss my ass.


  1. The text # for the Ed Show is 622639.

  2. I'm having the same issue and I feel the same way. What Sprint is trying to pull here is total bullshit. I already pay for the "Simply Everything" plan on 3 lines on my account. I feel that should more than suffice and I should be able to send texts where ever I want without them trying to squeeze and extra buck out of MSNBC. Even though I love my Evo, I'll get used to the Verizon iPhone.

  3. It's a stage kind of censorship, right?

  4. About Sprint blocking our use of 622639, I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with 3 different departments, no one at Sprint could come up with as good an answer as you have. I love Ed's surveys, and found that we can now vote online at ed.msnbc.com.

  5. Put ed.msnbc.com in your address bar and you can vote online from your computer.

    But, I do agree with you that it is stupid for Sprint to double charge. I'm paying for a service and I shouldn't get my text blocked. I hope sprint lifts this so that I can text MSNBC again.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. get over it. maybe MSNBC should stop being cheap
